Crazy lil thing called love
The Heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing of.... Blaise Pascal ‘Tell us the one unforgettable experience of your life’ was the question thrown out of the blue by my seniors. It was fresher’s night at the Dept of Electronics & Comn Engineering, IIT Kharagpur. I was a little old for a fresher but I had been there and done that having been to war torn nations, swept away by a Himalayan Stream and so on. However, to my surprise I found myself responding , ‘The day the pretty girl in my Class who I was in love with all the fervour that only a 15 year old can have, walked up to me and said ‘Do you have last year’s question papers?’’. That night the moon was rounder, brighter and the cool night breeze carried a fragrance that I still can’t forget. Now I am a lot older and wiser – and yet still long for the unbearable sweetness of existence when I was in love or infatu...