
Showing posts from November, 2021

An Ode to Beauty

  Shapes of all Sorts and Sizes, great and small, That stood along the floor and by the wall; And some loquacious Vessels were;  and some  Listen'd perhaps, but never talk'd at all.       After a momentary silence spake Some Vessel of a more ungainly Make; "They sneer at me for leaning all awry: What! did the Hand then of the Potter shake The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam          Pots of all sizes and shape are having a philosophical discussion on the Good and Kind Potter who has made them all, who will certainly care for them when their usefulness is at an end. The creator is vested with all kinds of imaginary virtues, until an ugly, misshapen pot poignantly asks, 'When the Potter was at his wheel, did the Hand then of the Potter shake?'       We live in a world that is obsessed with beauty. Beauty sells and how! The market place adores beauty. To sell anything all that it needs is to be associated with a beautiful ...